Final standings "Econometrics". Regional Financial - Economic Institute.
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1.Po seven in the Urals
Federal District in 2006 the values \u200b\u200bof the two signs (Table. 1).
Table 1 - Indicators of the Urals Federal District in 2006
Udmurtia. 68.8 45.1
Sverdlovsk region. 61.2 59.0
Bashkortostan 59.9 57.2
Chelyabinsk region. 56.7 61.8
Perm region. 55.0 58.8
Kurgan region. 54.3 47.2
Orenburg region. 49.3 55.2
What kind of a linear regression defined by the equation, characterizing the dependence of the cost of purchasing food commodities in the total expenditures?
a) yh = 76.88 -0,35h;
b) yx = 47.68 -0,87h;
c) yx = 83.52 -0,71h.
2.Chem is a linear correlation coefficient based on the conditions of the problem 1?
a) rxy = -0,473;
b) rxy = -0,353;
in) rxy = -0,582.
3. What is the value of the average error of approximation, based on the conditions of the problem 1?
a) A = 8.1%;
b) A = 12.2%;
c) A = 7.8%.
10. Dynamics of productivity in 10 years is shown in Table 4. To determine at what value the level of a number of series is abnormal at t = 4. (tabular values \u200b\u200bshould be taken from Table 5.4 econometrics course).
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