Task 2.
What is the value of the spread and its level as a percentage of the financial market share, if the minimum offer price per share is 900 rubles, and the maximum bid price - 1000 rubles?
Task 3.
Calculate the price of the business entity (business rates) if the annual net profit of 1 mln. Rubles., Bank interest is 20%, the carrying value of the assets of the enterprise is 200 thousand. Rub.
Task 4.
In planning its production and sales activities of what decision you make in the following scenario: Your company manufactures products worth 2 million. Rub., The number of consumers of your product is 20. How many products and any number of users you will realize the largest wholesale?
Task 5.
What sources of information in the competition you prefer to use?
Task 6.
Give an example of segmentation of the insurance market. A hypothetical example.
Task 7.
Justify the form of commercial transfer of technology from the company developer company to the consumer. Which option, in your opinion, is the best?
Task 8.
Justify the choice of model trial testing the market for goods. What method, in your opinion, is the best?
Task 9.
Analyze the distribution of consumer preferences on the following data:
Suppose we have two existing brands of cars - A and B and three drafts model - 1, 2, 3. The survey conducted among owners of cars A and B, and among the potential buyers. A car sales is 40% and used vehicles - 60%. The question arises, what kind of car the consumer would prefer including the information available to him the model (if it has a car).
Task 10.
What price would you prefer to communicate in the event that at the peak of the tourist season jewelry sold in your store, not in demand, and the price in this case was low enough: a further reduction in prices, or, conversely, the price increase?
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