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Collection of case studies on the subject "Budget Law"

Task 1.

The Legislature passed a law subject of the Russian Federation, which found that the direction of spending 2/3 of the reserve fund of the Russian Federation are determined by the subject legislature when considering the draft budget of the subject of the Russian Federation in the second reading. The volume of expenditure is determined by each deputy by dividing 2/3 of the reserve fund by the number of deputies elected to the Legislative Assembly.

Whether this provision is contrary to the law of the Russian Federation, federal legislation byudzhet¬nomu? If so, name the rule of law, which involve a different procedure for the formation of the expenditure part of the reserve fund.

Task 2.

The municipality appealed to the court for recognition of the illegal zayavleni¬em Article 14 of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on the regional budget in the third quarter of the financial year in terms of the transfer to the budgets of cities and districts of the costs of the regional budget for compensation payments for children.

What should be the decision of the court? Give your answer with reference to the rule of law.

Task 3.

In accordance with the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Russian Federation subject to its jurisdiction include funds regional budget and regional off-budget and currency funds (Article 104, Part 1). Charter also defines the status and the formation of extra-budgetary funds and foreign exchange (Articles 106 and 107).

Can these be interpreted as an invasion of establishing the scope of authority and powers of the Russian Federation?

Task 4.

The three heads of regional administrations of the Russian Federation made a proposal to include in the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation for the coming year the creation of a fund to support the mining industry. In order to accumulate funds was proposed 10% subsidy for co-financing of capital construction and 20% of subventions allocated from the federal budget to guide the formation of the fund.

Analyze the proposal. Specify discrepancy budget legislation contained therein.

Task 5.

The regional governor issued a decree which ordered the head of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund to allocate funds from the budget fund for the payment of compensation to the victims of the floods.

Evaluate the validity of these actions.
Task 6.

The head of administration of the municipal district issued an order according to which the authorities and officials who make decisions on the imposition of monetary penalties (fines) for administrative violations in the field of taxes and fees, provided the Administrative Code, ordered to enroll these fines in the budget of the municipal district of the rate of 100 per cent .

Give legal analysis of the regulation.

Task 7.

Article 76 of the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on the regional budget found that the budget of the area subject to transfer tax revenues from the tax on mineral extraction in the form of hydrocarbons - at the rate of 100 percent.

Rate the legality of that provision.

Task 8.

The municipal educational institution - secondary school-based training and production plant production was organized for the production of soft toys, and a carpentry workshop - semi-soft chairs. Revenues from the sale of products come to the bank account and spent in accordance with the orders of the Director for awarding teaching staff.

Give legal analysis of the situation.

Task 9.

In conducting the audit of financial and economic activities of budget institutions authority of the Federal Service for Financial and Budget Supervision was opened use of budget funds of the federal budget provided for the acquisition of a new production line for the purchase of apartments for employees of the institution. By the enterprise were applied financial and legal sanctions, namely, levied a fine of triple the current discount rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Is the current budget legislation imposing penalties?

Task 10.

Audit Office of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation subject to spot checks by the financial and economic activities of the federal government agency - a children's sanatorium was installed misuse of funds of the federal budget, as expressed in the use of funds is not in line with estimates.

The audit KRU a ruling N 8 from 31.01.2002 to recover from the children's sanatorium fine for misuse of funds from the federal budget.

Assess the situation.

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10.02.2015 9:35:06
Использованы недействующие правовые акты например закон "Об общих принципах организации местного самоуправления в Российской Федерации" который много лет уже как утратил силу
23.01.2015 14:07:38
14.01.2015 13:44:17