Key immediately after the payment.
Product description:
-Sovershaya Purchasing this item, you buy a scan additions (add-on) SIMCITY: FUTURE CITY key to the game Simcity 2013 DRM Origin.
-Locality Activation: Russia, Ukraine, CIS (Region Free - game can be locked, without any notification)
-Developers: Maxis
-Izdatel: Electronic Arts / 1C-Softklab
-Language: Russian (Russian)
-DRM: PC Origin
RELEASE: 14/11/13
Game Description
Addition to the construction of the famous simulator SimCity.
What will be the city of the future? How will people live in seventy-five years? Whether to build a happy and harmonious world, the basis of which will be environmentally friendly technologies, or will be in the power of giant corporations that dominate the society insatiable consumption?
Create your own town in the world of the future! Life here is comfortable and enjoyable. New materials and fuels permit to erect buildings great height. Commonly used computers, robots led by the people of the machine, delivering goods by air, build houses ... Development of Education and Science has reached unprecedented heights, thus developing more and more new technologies, such as those that allow you to eliminate pollution, clean water and break down waste atoms. What will be your future?
* Strive city up, erecting superneboskreby, which may be located thousands of people and combine a variety of areas.
* Profit or ecology? Metropolis, movable blind thirst of consumption, or eco-friendly dream city - what more to taste you?
* Make decisions and watch over time they affect the way in which it becomes your city.
* Lift transport and outflows to new heights with the help of railways and walkways.
* Beware of giant robots!
\u003c \u003e The original copy of the key, the license agreement and all copies of the software in its original packaging, you can get a convenient way for you. To do this, after the payment and receipt of the digital copy of the key, please contact us via email or phone. Postage for sending as well as courier services are paid separately by you \u003c \u003e
!!! WARNING !!!
To install and activate the game requires JavaScript, Internet and the original game SimCity 2013 - SimCity (2013)