How to unlock MTC 850FT by code?
Unlocking MTC 850FT by code is very easy, it is also safest and non-invasive method of unlocking your device. To get code for unlock MTC 850FT you need to provide IMEI number of your MTC 850FT. Enter the web-interface of your MTC 850FT to check IMEI number, also IMEI is written on the information label under battery (it´s a 15 digit number).
This code will only work with MTC 850FT, it won´t work with other devices.
1. Find your IMEI number (15 digits) as described above.
2. Make payment via PayPal or any other preferred payment system (you can see the list of available payment systems on the right).
3. After you make payment you will receive a letter from (or Oplata.Info) with the link on registration form.
4. Fill the form correctly, you must input IMEI and your E-Mail. After - click "Send" button.
5. After you click "Send" your Unlock Code instantly appear in the "Your purchase" field.
You will receive purchased Unlock Code instantly after you make payment and fill registration form with IMEI and E-Mail. Unlock Code will not send to E-Mail, it appears instantly on the registration form screen in the "Your purchase" field.
Insert a non accepted simcard in your device and power on. Enter web-interface. When the device prompts for the unlock code simply enter the unlock code provided to you. Your device is now permanently unlocked!
Before you buy Unlock Code, power on the device with a non accepted SIM card inserted and make sure the device prompts for a SIM network unlock PIN (Network Unlock Code). If your device don´t asks for unlock code (i.e. remaining attempts left) - you shouldn´t buy this code!