Содержимое: текст (17 символов)
Доступно: 27
Загружен: 13.08.2018

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1970 руб.
Anti-Opoly в STEAM.

БЕЗ РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫХ ОГРАНИЧЕНИЙ (Rest Of World (ROW) - Region Free / World Wide Steam Key)!

Об игре: The property trading board game with a twist! Based on the real-world board game that took a stand against big business and plunged its creator into a ‘David vs. Goliath’ legal battle, Anti-Opoly is the property trading game that lets players choose free enterprise or monopoly, with different rules for each path. Decide for yourself: who wins? Is it the Competitor who charges fair market value for rent? Or is it the Monopolist who amasses control over whole regions and can charge much higher fees?
Features: Enjoy a twist on classic Monopoly play by taking the role of a Competitor or Monopolist. Includes Anti-Opoly and two historical games that preceded Monopoly: Original-Opoly and Quaker-Opoly. Information about the true history of the Monopoly game and the legal battle over Anti-Monopoly. Local multiplayer for up to six players.

После покупки необходимо:

1. Скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/about (если еще не установлен);
2. Зарегистрировать новый аккаунт в Steam или зайти в существующий;
3. В верхнем меню окошка Steam откройте пункт "Игры" и выберите там «Активировать через Steam».
4. Введите ключ активации, нажмите "далее" - игра активирована.
5. После активации ключа игра отобразится в списке "Библиотека Игр", отсюда вы сможете ее скачать/установить, а затем начать играть.
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