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Conducting operations with foreign currency and checks answers to tests Synergy
Rating Excellent
It is not true that when conducting foreign trade activities, the transaction passport shall indicate ...
information about the authorized bank in which the transaction passport is issued
details of the parties
transaction passport number and date
acts of currency legislation

It is not true that ... can be classified as currency control agents
professional securities market participants
authorized banks
Central Bank of the Russian Federation

The advantages of the exchange currency market include the fact that transactions ...
available only to large participants
have absolute liquidity
do not have liquidity
have relative liquidity

A resident of the Russian Federation in banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, ...
can open any number of accounts, without restrictions
does not have the right to open accounts
can open no more than 5 accounts
can open no more than 10 accounts

In the event of a conflict of provisions of the international treaty of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 173, the situation shall be regulated ...
by agreement of the parties
in accordance with an international treaty
only through court
in accordance with federal law

If a resident needs to make settlements through his bank account in a foreign currency other than the currency in which the account was opened, he should ...
conduct a conversion operation at the rate agreed with the bank
refuse to make such calculations
open an account with a non-resident bank in the required currency
open another account in the required currency

Residents and non-residents engaged in currency transactions in the Russian Federation, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right ...
for compensation for potential damage caused by unlawful actions (inaction) of currency control bodies and agents and their officials
to get acquainted with acts of inspections conducted by bodies and agents of foreign exchange control
to compensation for real damage caused by unlawful actions (inaction) of the bodies and agents of currency control and their officials
get acquainted with the acts of inspections conducted by bodies and agents of foreign exchange control, as well as the right to compensation for real damage caused
illegal actions (inaction) of bodies and agents of currency control and their officials

It is not true that ... is a function of the foreign exchange market
policy coherence
currency policy
timely implementation of international settlements
exchange rate regulation

The absence of restrictions on payments and transfers recorded on the account of balance of payments transactions related to capital flows is ...
external convertibility
internal convertibility
capital convertibility
current convertibility

The ability to buy and sell foreign currency in exchange for national and, conversely, outside the country for all operations and for all owners - this ...
current convertibility
external convertibility
internal convertibility
capital convertibility

The psychological factors affecting the formation of the exchange rate include ...
market participants´ expectations
inflation rate
military conflict
fluctuations in global commodity and financial markets

It is not true that ... is an element of the international monetary system
foreign exchange authorities
unification of the main forms of international payments
national currencies and international currency units
international regulatory currency restrictions

An artificial reserve and payment instrument issued by the International Monetary Fund (MBF), such as ..., has only a non-cash form in the form of entries in bank accounts (banknotes were not issued)
gold dinar
transferable ruble

The possibility of buying and selling foreign currency
K structural factors affecting the formation of the exchange rate include ...
military conflict
fluctuations in global commodity and financial markets
inflation rate
dynamics expectations

On the territory of the Russian Federation, open non-residents bank accounts (bank deposits) in foreign currency and the currency of the Russian Federation ...
entitled to authorized banks only
entitled to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
entitled to any bank
They have no right to

A check crossed out on the front side by two parallel lines is ... a check

A freely changing rate under the influence of supply and demand on the currency without direct intervention of the Central Bank in the operations of the national currency market is ...
purchasing power parity
currency corridor
fixed rate
floating rate

The ability of residents and non-residents to freely, without any restrictions to exchange national currency for foreign - is ...

Credit organizations established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and having the right to conduct banking operations with funds in foreign currency on the basis of licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are ...
diplomatic missions
authorized banks
currency exchanges
authorized banks and currency exchanges

The system of economic relations that are manifested during operations to trade currencies, values ​​and operations related to the investment of foreign currency capital is ...
monetary policy
international currency system
currency market
world currency market

Foreign exchange transactions between residents are permitted, with the exception of operations ...
with external securities subject to accounting for the rights to such securities in depositories established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation,
and settlements in the currency of the Russian Federation
for settlements for payment for goods of services in the territory of the Russian Federation
upon payment and (or) reimbursement of expenses of an individual connected with a business trip outside the territory of the Russian Federation
related to payments on external securities (including mortgage bonds), with the exception of bills of exchange

To calculate the cross rate for currencies with indirect quotes against the US dollar, you need ... these currencies
add up dollar rates
multiply dollar rates
split dollar rates
find the difference in dollar rates

In terms of organization, the foreign exchange market happens ...
open and closed
exchange and over-the-counter
free and restricted
free and closed

All fatal doubts, contradictions and ambiguities of acts of currency legislation of the Russian Federation, acts of currency authorities
regulations and acts of foreign exchange controls are interpreted in favor of ...
the state
residents and non-residents

K market factors affecting the formation of the exchange rate include ...
military conflict
inflation rate
interest rates
fluctuations in global commodity and financial markets

K market factors affecting the formation of the exchange rate include ...
balance of payments
military conflict
speculation in the domestic and international currency markets
degree of government intervention in the business sector

It is not true that the bodies and agents of currency control and their officials, within their competence and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right ...
to seize accounts of persons who violate the law
to check the completeness and reliability of accounting and reporting on currency transactions of residents and non-residents
request and receive documents and information related to foreign exchange transactions, opening and maintaining accounts
to check compliance by residents and non-residents with acts of
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