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Adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten Answers to the test - Synergy.
Collection of answers - 39 questions. Passed 93 points out of 100 "Excellent"

1. The homeostatic balance of the personality with the requirements of the external environment is considered in the framework of ... direction

2. One of the indicators of a hypersocializing pathogenic type (classification by V.I. Garbuzov) is ...

3. For the first time, the term "adaptation" was introduced into scientific terminology ... centuries

4. It is not true that the main criteria for monitoring the adaptation of children to a preschool educational institution include ...

5. It is not true that social factors complicating the adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution include ...

6. The ability, skills and activities of a parent in caring for and raising a child, according to V. N. Myasishchev, is ... a component of parenting

7. It is not true that the diagnosis of adaptation involves the participation of such subjects of the educational process as ...

8. The theory of cognitive dissonance reveals adaptive problems and is considered fundamental in the framework of ... direction

9. The egocentric type of pathogenic education (classification by V.I. Garbuzov) is characterized by ...

10. It is not true that the principle of correctional and developmental work with preschoolers is ...

11. Adaptation within the framework of the theory of cognitive dissonance is related to the concept ...

12. It is not true that the indicators of adaptation of children to a preschool educational institution include ...

13. Homeostatic balance of the personality with the requirements of the external environment is considered in the framework of ... direction

14. Observation of the dynamics of adaptation is carried out from the first…. attending a child´s preschool educational institution

15. According to V. I. Myasishchev, the emotional component of parenting is ... feeling like a parent

16. The Soviet psychologist V. N. Myasishchev identified three components of parenting:

17. With a mild degree of adaptation, the characteristic symptoms of a favorable adaptation of the child (sleep, appetite are normalized) appear by ... the day of stay in a preschool educational institution

18. During the period of adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution, three stages of the adaptation process are distinguished: acute, compensation

19. It is not true that, by the definition of A. Ya. Varga and V.V. Stolin, the parental relationship is ...

20. Within the framework of the psychodynamic approach to adaptation, its supporters believe that if a person changes himself in order to adapt, this is ... adaptation

21. The term "adaptation" comes from the Latin word "adaption", which means ...

22. Within the framework of the psychodynamic approach, adaptation is seen as a process ... of interaction between the individual and the environment and at the same time as a result of this process

23. The characteristic features of the average degree of adaptation in children in preschool educational institutions are

24. According to V.N.Myasishchev´s concept, the cognitive component of parenting presupposes knowledge ...

25. Rejection (emotional rejection) as one of the pathogenic types of upbringing according to the classification of V.I. Garbuzov is manifested in ...

26. It is not true that according to the classification of V.I. Garbuzov, pathogenic types of education include

27. Parental attitude, according to Professor Virginia Satir, depends on ...

28. It is not true that the classification of types of parental relationship by A. Ya. Varga and V. V. Stolin includes such a type as ...

29. The process of adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution, according to the research of L. V. Belkina, N. V. Kiryukhina, I. P. Badina,
can take place on two levels: ...

32. Outreach to parents includes ...
group consultations

33. Establish a correspondence between the directions of the concepts of personality adaptation and their founders, followers:

34. ... for the first time, the concept of a general adaptation syndrome was proposed, which expanded the concept of adaptation to the concept of an adaptation syndrome

35. According to L. V. Belkina and N. D. Vatutina, the strength, balance and imbalance of nervous processes of excitation and inhibition leave an imprint on the child´s behavior during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution.

36. The diagnosis of adaptation of preschool children is traditionally carried out using the method ...

37. Within the framework of the psychodynamic direction, there are three types of adaptation: alloplastic, autoplastic

38. According to most researchers, the adaptation of children in kindergarten is a rather difficult ... and physiological process

39. E. T. Sokolova proposed a classification of parenting styles: cooperation, isolation, ... rivalry
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