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Microeconomics (answers to the Synergy test). The result is 87/100 points.
Collection of answers 90 questions.
Topic 1. Introduction to the subject
Topic 2. Fundamentals of supply and demand theory
Topic 3. Consumer behavior and consumer choice
Topic 4. Firm: theoretical foundations of internal organization and production results
Topic 5. Theory of contracts
Topic 6. Production costs
Topic 7. Market structures. Perfect competition
Topic 8. Monopoly
Topic 9. Monopolistic competition and oligopoly

1. Equilibrium models, in contrast to nonequilibrium ones, ...
2. A bond is ...
3. The average product reaches its maximum at the point of intersection with the line ...
4. Property rights are ...
5. Firm´s strategies in the market include ...
6. Full responsibility in business means that ...
7. Short-term models, as opposed to long-term ones,
8. The production function makes the volume of goods output dependent on the volume ...
9. Cost is ...
10. Dynamic models, as opposed to static ones, ...
11. Indicators of economic models for dynamism include ...
12. Promotion is ...
13. Maximizing the overall utility and equilibrium of the consumer without being tied to a cordinal or ordinal approach means that the consumer ...
14. The category of total costs includes ... costs
15. Goods are classified as essential if the elasticity coefficient K satisfies the following condition:
16. The category of average costs includes ... costs
17. A bill of exchange is ...
18. If the market equilibrium is established at zero marks of the price and quantity of goods, then this means that ...
19. The income effect is that ...
20. Good is ...
21. If the market equilibrium is established in the lower right quarter of the coordinate plane, then this means that ...
22. Set the correspondence:
• A. Federal, subjects of the Federation - E. state property
• B. District, city, settlement - F. municipal property
• C. Citizens, enterprises - G. private property
• D. Charitable foundations, parties, unions, communities, unions, associations - H. property of public organizations
23. Producer´s surplus is ...
24. In microeconomics, the functions represented by ...
25. The market is ...
26. When the price of consumer goods rises ...
27. Monopoly, unlike a competitive firm, seeks ...
28. According to the circulation model, households have a demand for ...
29. Reducing the supply of goods leads to an increase ...
30. Diamonds have a higher price than water because ...
31. Variable factors of production are factors ...
32. Monopolistic competition is characterized by ...
33. Economic profit ...
34. The basis of a market economy is ... property
35. The marginal product is ...
36. Market economy economic independence of producers ...
37. The law of diminishing marginal utility says: ...
38. Specific research methods for economic processes include ...
39. The cost of a missed opportunity to produce a good is ...
40. Economic resources are ...
41. The cross-elasticity of demand reflects the response ...
42. The disadvantages of perfect competition include ...
43. Advances in technology are shifting ...
44. The perfectly inelastic demand curve is ...
45. The problem of choice in the economy is generated by ...
46. ​​Proponents of monopolistic competition argue that ...
47. It is not true that market demand varies with ...
48. When dividing goods into high-quality and low-quality, the determining factor is ...
49. Classical capitalism functions on the basis of ...
50. Normal profit is profit, ...
51. Oligopoly responds to changes in demand in the short term
52. Maximizing the total utility within the ordinal approach implies ...
53. A Parallel Shift in the Budget Line May Cause Change ...
54. Seller surplus means a market situation when ...
55. The strategy of maximizing profit implies the answer to the question "Until when ..."
56. A straight curve of indifference is typical for ... goods
57. Establish what types of income are received by the owners of certain factors of production:
58. The financial result of the firm can be ...
59. Limited liability implies that ...
60. The law of demand is that ...
61. Reproduction is ...
62. The strategy of maximizing profits by a firm, regardless of the form of competition, can be expressed by certain formulas, such as ...
63. Subsidiary liability implies that ...
64. The short-term period in the activities of the firm implies that ...
65. Utility is ...
66. Curve of indifference curved to the origin shows ...
67. The long-term period in the activities of the firm implies that ...
68. Establish the correspondence of the types of legal property relations and their definitions:
69. In economics, certain types of economic systems are distinguished, such as ...
70. It is considered that demand or supply is not elastic if the elasticity coefficient K satisfies the condition: ...
• K = 1
• 0 <K <1
• K> 1
• K = 0
71. The strategy of minimizing costs implies an answer to the question "Until when ..."
72. A commodity surplus means a market situation when ...
73. Buyer surplus means a market situation when ...
74. Establish the correspondence of types of classification and examples of markets:
75. Economies of scale are graphically represented ... by the line of total costs
76. The law of diminishing marginal utility reflects action ...
77. In microeconomics, certain types of utility are distinguished, such as ...
78. Unlike a competitive firm, a simple monopoly seeks:
79. Marginal cost is calculated as a ratio ...
80. The substitution effect is that ...
81. The line of average fixed costs is represented by ... the line
82. There are certain types of shares, such as ...
83. Opportunity cost is ...
84. The curve of indifference in the form of a right angle is characteristic of ... goods
85. Products are considered neutral if the elasticity coefficient K satisfies the following condition: ...
86. The indifference curve bending towards the origin is characteristic of ... goods
87. Among the forms of commercial entrepreneurship, there are such types of societies as ...
88. The relationship between price and consumption is illustrated by the line ...
89. The strategy of minimizing costs is graphically reflected by the fact that the demand line is located between the line of average variable costs and ...
90. Closed models, as opposed to open ones, ...
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