50 questions and answers to them on the Synergy Software Engineering test. MIT. MY. The pass score is 83 out of 100. Good. After the purchase, you receive this product - a file with answers.
1. After fulfilling the terms of the product agreement, the developer must ...
2. Confirmation that the created software part satisfies the requirements of copyright holders is established in the process ... of the software.
3. It is not true that one of the outcomes of the successful implementation of the configuration management process is ...
4. Determining the requirements of the initiated project includes ...
5. Supplier side is...
6. The process of moving a software product occurs in the order ...
7. The information system or software product life cycle risk management process is applicable to the risks associated with ...
8. A list of requirements for a software product should be compiled as soon as ...
9. During the implementation of the contract, changes in the contract are carried out by ...
10. As a result of the successful implementation of the acquisition process, an agreement is developed that clearly expresses the expectations, responsibilities and obligations ...
11. The final step in the process is...
12. Before announcing a tender for a product, the state structure must carry out the stage ...
13. To activate the project, the manager must submit ...
14. Software revisions are carried out in the process ...
15. The decision management process is driven by...
16. Upon receipt of an order for a software product, the developer must ...
17. It is not true that one of the results of the successful implementation of the decision management process is ...
18. Upon of the product to the acquirer, the customer must ...
19. When developing or maintaining software products, non-deliverable items ...
20. When purchasing an off-the-shelf software product, the acquiring party must ensure that ...
21. Risk treatment involves…
22. The purpose of the project planning process is…
23. The purpose of the software integration process is to …
24. It is not true that one of the elements of plans for the implementation of the project is ...
25. Definition and analysis of software requirements can be carried out ...
26. Software product acquisition requirements documentation should include...
27. A regression strategy for applying reverification of program elements is being developed in the case of ...
28. Upon receipt of the software product by the supplier, he must ...
29. It is not true that as a result of the successful implementation of the software engineering process ...
30. The purpose of the project evaluation and management process is …
31. Risk management planning involves …
32. The purpose of the decision management process is …
33. Risk profile management implies…
34. The roles and responsibilities of the parties should be set out in the form ...
35. Confirmation that the integrated software product satisfies the stated requirements is established in the process ... of the software tool.
36. Assessing the risk management process involves …
37. The purpose of the Software Architecture Design Process is to …
38. In the process of purchasing a software product, an agreement / agreement is concluded between ...
39. The purpose of the Configuration Management Process is…
40. Confirmation that the created software part satisfies the requirements for architectural solutions is established in the process ... of the software.
41. The purpose of the software design process is to ...
42. It is not true that as a result of the successful implementation of the software proficiency testing process ...
43. The contractor must update (improve) the user documentation, including in the process ...
44. The fact that the ordered product meets the established requirements must be monitored ...
45. The purpose of the Software Implementation Process is to …
46. After selecting a supplier, the acquiring party should ...
47. The Purpose of the Software Product Acquisition Process...
48. The acquiring party, before entering into a contract with the supplier for the purchase of goods, has the maximum rights ...
49. It is not true that as a result of the successful implementation of the software architecture design process … .
50. The audit of the software is carried out in the process ...
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