122 answers to the test "Suffrage" Synergy tests. Answer base for Excellent. (The rest of the questions that are in the file, you can see here:
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64. The regulation of issues of information support for elections, which includes informing voters and election campaigning, is devoted to ... Federal Law of June 12, 2002 No. 67-FZ “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation”
65. In accordance with the electoral law, if the authorized body or official does not call elections within the time limits prescribed by law, or these bodies do not exist, then the right to call elections passes to ...
66. Federal Law No. 67-FZ of June 12, 2002 “On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” establishes an exhaustive list of sources for the formation of the electoral fund, which include ...
67. Passive suffrage is the right of citizens of the Russian Federation ... to state authorities and local governments
68. ... is a set of funds accumulated in a special bank account intended to finance the election campaigns of candidates and electoral associations
69. If the applicant filed a complaint about violation of electoral rights with the election commission and the court at the same time, then in this case ...
70. A political party has the right to nominate for the post of President of the Russian Federation ... from its party
71. For registration, a candidate who has collected signatures in his support shall submit to the Central Election Commission (CEC of the Russian Federation) signature lists with voters´ signatures and other necessary documents no earlier than ... before voting day
72. ... is an activity carried out during the period of an election campaign and aimed at inducing or encouraging voters to vote for or against a candidate, candidates, list, lists of candidates
73. According to the requirements for the voting premises, an enlarged form of the protocol on the voting results, in which data on the voting results will be entered as they become established, must be hung out in the voting room ...
74. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (CEC of the Russian Federation) is formed for a period of ...
75. A candidate and an electoral association for election campaigning may involve other persons who have reached the age of ...
76. Territorial and precinct election commissions are obliged to notify voters of the time and place of voting no later than ... before voting day
77. According to the general regulation on the procedure for nominating candidates for elections, a person ...
78. According to the electoral legislation, an anonymous donation to the electoral funds of candidates ... (p.111)
79. Principle ... means that elected persons are elected directly by the population, i.e. voters vote for or against candidates in elections
80. The decision to call the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is made ... days before voting day
81. When holding elections to state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, information on a financial transaction for spending funds from the relevant electoral fund is subject to mandatory placement if its size exceeds ...
82. A citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation may be elected President of the Russian Federation ...
83. It is not true that the electoral qualifications characteristic of the modern legislation of the Russian Federation include ...
84. The election of the President of the Russian Federation appoints ...
85. ... an electoral district, which includes the entire territory where elections are held, is formed by the election of an official under th