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Qualitative and quantitative methods for the analysis of psychological data Synergy test MPFU answers 100 points out of 100 Excellent.
Interpretation, disclosure of meaning, explanation of the results of the study is ...
For psychological research, it is recommended to use the experimental and control groups, so that the number of both compared groups is not less than ... subjects in each group
… research methods are focused on studying the individual-specific, unique, they involve the collection of information in a free form and focus not on statistical measurements, but are based on the understanding, explanation and interpretation of empirical data
The method of obtaining information orally from a person by conducting a thematically directed conversation with him is ...
… methods can be characterized as formalized and mass
... is a systematic description of typical and unique cases - those that represent the typology and those that are exceptions
Match the reason for the inaccurate survey results with its description:
Match the concept and its definition
Match the reason for the inaccurate survey results with its description:
A study of students from one university (the Faculty of Psychology) is an example of ... a study
Put in the correct order the stages of the process of forming experimental and control groups in psychological research:
Arrange in the correct order the stages of working with a case by group members within the framework of such a qualitative research method as a case study method:
Speaking about the characteristics of organizational methods of psychological research, it can be argued that the comparative method involves ...
Synthesis is...
Deduction is...
... is a method of thinking in which the transition from private knowledge to a more general one is carried out
Observation is a method of cognition of psychological and pedagogical phenomena, which is based on ...
It is not true that ... refers to the characteristics of psychological tests
A synonym for the word "synthesis" is the word "..."
Hypotheses include...
Method of psychological research, which involves the construction of models, i.e. a system of objects or signs that allows you to reproduce some key (basic) properties and connections of the studied mental processes and states is called the method ...
... is a method of cognition in which the observer studies the properties of the object under study and fixes them, and his interference in the natural environment is minimal, these activities can be carried out by any person, even in the absence of equipment and special education
Obtaining oral verbal information, which, unlike conversation, is more formal and systematic, is ...
Establish a correspondence between the method of psychological research and its description:
Establish a correspondence between the concept and its definition:
Put the stages of hypothesizing the research in the correct order:
Put the steps in the experiment in the correct order:
The least powerful measurement scale from a mathematical point of view is considered ...
Measures of variability include ... (specify 2 answers)
It is not true that the requirement for a sample in psychological research is ... (specify 2 answers)
If "pet preferences" are encoded in numbers: 1 - dogs; 2 - cats; 3 - guinea pigs; 0 - none, then it can be argued that these data are presented according to ...
Measures of central tendency include...
When measuring by ... the entire set of features is divided into sets interconnected by relationships such as "more - less", "stronger - weaker"
If yesterday the daily water temperature was 30 ºС, and today 25 ºС, then these data are presented according to
… refer to measures of variability
It is not true that the purpose of the procedure for checking the normality of a distribution is ...
If it is required to encode the level of anxiety in five grad
... are three points of a feature value that divide the entire ordered (ascending) set of measured feature values into 4 parts equal in number
A bell-shaped curve, the vertex of which corresponds to the average value of the attribute, and it is symmetrical on the left and right, is called a curve ...
The value of the feature that divides the ordered (ranked) set in half is ... samples
A trait measured on a dichotomous scale is called ... a trait
Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions:
Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions:
Put the elements of the variance calculation algorithm in the correct order:
Arrange the scales in ascending order of their mathematical power (from a mathematical point of view
The null hypothesis is the hypothesis...
Revealing the significance of differences between groups, it can be argued that the probability of error ...
With a decrease in the number of tasks in a test, its reliability, other things being equal, ...
Level … corresponds to the highest level of statistical significance
Correlation is...
The minimum value of the correlation coefficient can be considered ...
According to the particular classification of correlations, with r corresponding to the level of statistical significance p < 0.05, we can talk about ...
The value of the correlation coefficient ... indicates the absence of a relationship between the values
It is not true that the conditions for applying the Pearson linear correlation coefficient include ...
… analysis is a procedure by which a large number of variables related to the available observations are reduced to a smaller number of influencing independent quantities, called factors
Mistake ... a kind of error that occurs when the researcher believes that he has found real results, but in fact there are none
Error ... kind of called an error that occurs when the researcher believes that he did not find the result, but in fact he is
… the hypothesis, which is designated as H0, is a hypothesis about similarity, about the absence of significant differences between the studied features
Correlation theory, goodness-of-fit criteria, decision-making and parameter estimation algorithms were developed by an English scientist named ...
Match the concepts and their definitions:
Match the concepts and their definitions:
Set the sequence of action steps when choosing a difference criterion:
Put in the correct order the steps for calculating the Spearman rank correlation coefficient:
To identify differences between two samples in terms of the level of the trait under study, where each sample contains at least 3 and no more than 60 subjects, the criterion is applied ...
Student´s t-test allows ...
Parametric criteria include ...
Fisher´s test to identify differences should be used if ...
In accordance with the restrictions of the Mann-Whitney U-test, the subjects in the sample should be ...
In accordance with the limitations of the Rosenbaum Q-test, the minimum number of subjects is ...
Statistical hypotheses are tested using...
According to the law of large numbers...
Statistical grouping is...
Statistics as a science studies...
When comparing averages in two normally distributed data samples, a criterion such as ...
An interview that takes the form of a group discussion and is aimed at obtaining from its participants "subjective information" about their perception of various types of practical activities or products of this activity is called ...
Below is the formula for calculating the value of the criterion
The exact criterion ... is a criterion that is used to compare two relative indicators that characterize the frequency of a particular feature that has two values; the initial data for calculating this criterion are usually grouped in the form of a four-field table
Speaking about the qualitative research methods u
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