🎮 After payment, you will be redirected to a page with a unique code (16 characters), it must be sent to the seller to receive the game.
You are purchasing 39 Days to Mars for the Xbox One | Series S|X directly to your xbox account, this is not a key!
The game is tied to your xbox profile and will only be available to you! You can download it, delete it at any time, run it in any region, no restrictions on use!
Important: the purchase of the game takes place in manual mode, 5 minutes to couple of hours delay is possible
39 Days to Mars is a co-operative (and single-player) steampunk puzzle-adventure game.
Step into the shoes of Sir Albert Wickes and The Right Honourable Clarence Baxter, two 19th century explorers who have chosen to pilot the HMS Fearful on its maiden voyage to Mars.
When the steam engine runs out of coal, the ship´s cat shreds the navigation chart, and the tea gets cold, it becomes clear that interstellar transportation isn´t a walk in the park. It will take the talents of two players working together on the problems that arise to get to Mars in one piece.
39 Days to Mars is a two player co-operative game.
The HMS Fearful is a masterpiece of unreliable engineering, therefore Albert and Baxter will need all the help they can get. Nothing can be done without the effort of both players, who have important roles to play in the adventure.
For the solo voyager, the ship´s computer-controlled cat will keep you company. Without a second pair of hands, Albert will need an extra dose of dexterity to navigate the challenges of Victorian space flight.
The mix of action and thoughtful puzzles make it perfect for playing in short sessions. The entire adventure fits comfortably into an evening, or a long tea break.
Be drawn into the world of Albert and Baxter by the unique illustrated artwork. 39 Days to Mars has a rich sound-scape and a beautiful piano score that is punctuated only by the occasional disaster.
The HMS Fearful is ready to embark for Mars!
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- Always in touch via telegram or chat with the seller, within 10 minutes I will add the game/dlc you need to the marketplace
💬 If you encounter any problems when receiving the game, write to the chat with the seller or telegram (if you wrote at night, I will answer in the morning).Please note:
-All products in our store are purchased legally, when you use it, you get the same version of the game/dlc as in the xbox store on the console
-Refunds are not made for reasons: "I didn´t like the game", "Changed my mind", "I didn´t read the description", etc.All my products can be found at the link -
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