⭐️After payment you will receive a unique code (
▪️You need to create a Microsoft Xbox account -
▪️Go to
http://www.xbox.com and complete your account creation! The main thing here is to create your gametag on Xbox Live (i.e. you must get your XBOX nickname)!
▪️Link it to your EpicGames account -
▪️Together with the mail and password from the Microsoft account, you need to inform the seller in the "Correspondence with the seller" section.⭐️
✅Message example:
Login mail@mail.ru
Password 1234567qw
🔴 Please make sure you are providing data from the Microsoft account that is linked directly to your Epic Games account. If you provided an account from another account, and a purchase was made, the funds spent are non-refundable❗
🔴 Not suitable for Nintendo❗
🔴 Microsoft account must be 18 years old ❗
🔴 If something is not clear, write to us - we will definitely help!
🔥For positive feedback - a gift certificate on site<