Content: Основы товародвижения в торговле.zip (214.79 KB)
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ANSWERS SYNERGY. Fundamentals of product distribution in trade (90/100 points + all answers to the test). After purchase, you will receive a file with answers to the questions below:
1. In the organization of transportation of goods by rail ... shipment is considered to be the presentation for transportation of one waybill of cargo, for the transportation of which it is required to provide more than one wagon, but not less than the route shipment
2. There is a transit form of goods movement and ...
3. ... this is an organization created to conduct open public auctions, which takes place according to specially established rules in a predetermined place and at a certain time
4. The packaging element, which, in combination with the container or without it, performs the function of packaging, is called ... packaging means
5. Depending on the carrying capacity, all types of vehicles are divided into ...
6. For goods packed in boxes of the same size, apply ..., placing them one on top of the other with the markings out
7. Early of goods can be made ...
8. The carrying capacity of a medium-duty vehicle is ...
9. In the organization of cargo transportation by rail, small shipment allows the total weight of the cargo ...
10. All vehicles used in the process of goods distribution are divided into universal and ...
11. The container inside which the set temperature is maintained for the set time is called ...
12. Operations related to the storage of goods in a warehouse, in particular, include ...
13. The number of warehouse links through which the goods pass when moving from the producer to the consumer is called ... commodity circulation
14. Specialized wagons include: ...
15. Wholesale markets can be...
16. Motor vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 1 t belong to the class ... carrying capacity
17. In the absence of special mechanisms, the height of stacking goods in stacks in a store should not exceed ...
18. The trade and technological process of bringing goods from the sphere of material production to the sphere of material consumption through wholesale and retail trade enterprises is ...
19. In the organization of transportation of goods by rail ... dispatch is the cargo of different names presented by one consignment note to the address of one consignee
20. For the acceptance of goods from industrial enterprises in small batches and their subsequent shipment to consumption areas, but already in large batches, they serve ...
21. Warehouses located in areas of consumption and owned by wholesale trade bases or retail trade enterprises are ...
22. According to the features of the technical device, warehouses are divided into ...
23. In the transit form of goods movement, goods ...
24. Operations related to the receipt of goods at the warehouse, in particular, include ...
25. Futures transactions involve the conclusion of a standard contract for the supply of an exchange commodity ...
26. The subject of forward transactions may be ...
27. Universal wagons include:
28. The optimal storage temperature for most non-food, as well as non-perishable food products, is ...
29. The technological functions of wholesale enterprises include:
30. The period set by the manufacturer, after which the product is considered unsuitable for its intended use, is the period ...
31. The classification unit that defines containers by material and design is ... containers
32. Insulated warehouses will keep the warehouse warm due to ...
33. According to the established fire safety rules for storing goods in a store, the distance from goods placed on racks and in stacks to the walls of the room should be ...
34. In the organization of transportation of goods by rail, ... shipment is understood as the presentation for transportation of one waybill of cargo, for the transportation of which it is required to provide wagons in an amount corresponding to the standards established for routes by weight or length
35. Arrived goods, containers to be unloaded and issued in public places are stored at the destination railway station free of charge for ... hours
36. Forward transactions are...
37. By the nature of the functions performed, warehouses are distinguished: ...
38. Gift and portion containers are varieties ...
39. The date until which the product can be offered to the consumer for its intended use and until which it does not lose its consumer properties is the period ...
40. On the basis of product specialization, warehouses are divided into
41. In trade, a significant share of transportation is accounted for by ... transport
42. The period during which the properties of the goods specified in the regulatory or technical documentation do not change (subject to the established storage conditions) is the period ...
43. Goods acceptance areas, where the workplaces of merchandisers are located, are located next to ...
44. The classification unit that determines the container by shape is ... containers
45. At exchange auctions, when concluding transactions with real goods, the seller and the buyer agree in the contract on the terms of of goods, if there is an immediate transfer of goods from the warehouse of the exchange or the seller, then such a transaction is called ...
46. For everyday goods, perishable, with a simple assortment, they mainly use ... commodity circulation
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