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Fundamentals of Bank Management Answers Synergy Tests 100 points "Excellent"
Bank assets are:
Within the framework of the internal control system, a credit institution must ensure the distribution of job responsibilities of employees in such a way that…….
In the context of increasing inflation, the bank must give priority to reducing the share of _____ in the overall structure of the bank´s expenses.
The internal source of information for the purposes of analysis and subsequent adoption of management decisions by the bank is...
The group of indicators of the quality of bank management includes:
Deposit sources of funds attracted by the bank include...
The mandatory standards of the bank include the standard...
The liabilities of the bank include...
The ratio showing the sufficiency of financing "long" assets by attracting term liabilities is...
The instant liquidity standard of the bank´s balance sheet is determined as a percentage ratio...
The regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia provide for the following mandatory liquidity standards:
Operational planning is...
The main functions of management are...
The bank´s financial performance report is constructed in the following sequence:
1. interest income
2. interest expenses
3. profit (loss) before tax
4. profit (loss) from continuing operations
5. profit (loss) from discontinued operations
6. profit (loss) for the reporting period
As is known, making management decisions is based on the results of the analysis of the bank´s financial statements. The most important qualitative characteristics of the information contained in the bank´s financial statements include ...
The productive assets of the bank are ...
The strategic planning process includes ...
Arrange the stages of strategic management of the bank in the correct sequence:
1. strategy formation
2. analysis and assessment of external factors that determine the choice and
3. awareness of the vision and mission of the bank
4. development of functional strategies
5. analysis and assessment of internal factors
6. strategic control
7. development of strategic objectives
Arrange the order of solving the problems of managing the assets and liabilities of the bank in the correct logical sequence:
1. managing the adequacy and structure of the bank´s own capital
2. managing the quality of liabilities
3. stabilization and increase in the market value of the bank
4. managing the balance of assets and liabilities by terms and volumes
5. managing the quality of assets
6. managing the bank´s costs, especially those not related to interest payments
7. maintaining and increasing the profitability of assets
8. creating an administrative structure for managing the assets and liabilities of the bank
Arrange the factors reducing financial stability in the correct logical sequence bank:
1. constant operational failures in processes that ensure the uninterrupted execution of bank payments
2. sudden outflow of funds attracted by the bank, primarily from individuals
3. closure of liquidity sources for the bank in the interbank lending market
4. non-return of assets associated with the realization of credit risk
5. inability to sell assets in the financial market at the expected price planned in the amount of formed liabilities associated with market risk
6. negative information that significantly affects the business reputation of the bank
7. imbalance of claims and obligations by terms
8. significant errors in the procedures for making management decisions
Liquidity risk is ...
The bank´s equity is ...
Relate the term with its definition ...
Relate the term with its definition ...
Strategic management is ...
Management of liabilities and assets of the bank by placing certain groups of liabilities in certain groups of assets, taking into account urgency, involves the method ...
Establish the sequence of assessment of the main indicators of the economic position of banks:
1. capital assessment
2. asset assessment
3. profitability assessment
4. liquidity assessment
5. interest rate risk assessment
6. concentration risk assessment
7. mandatory standards assessment
8. management quality assessment
9. assessment of the transparency of the bank´s ownership structure
Establish the sequence of stages of liquidity management based on cash flows ...
1. measurement and assessment of the liquidity status for a certain period of time
2. analysis of the factors that caused a decrease in the liquidity level
3. development of various scenarios for regulating liquidity
4. taking measures to restore liquidity
5. creation of an information system for measuring, analyzing and regulating liquidity
Establish the correspondence between the indicator of the quality of the bank´s assets and the content of its interpretation:
Establish the correspondence between the method of managing the assets and liabilities of the bank and the content of its interpretation:
The purpose of a comprehensive economic analysis of the bank´s activities is...
__ is defined by specialists as a system of checks and measurements created by bank management in order to minimize losses arising from errors and violations committed by bank personnel.
___ are the most liquid asset of the bank.
___ is the estimate of the administrative and business expenses of the bank.
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