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Methodology of inquiry and preliminary investigation.fyu_BAK answers to the test "Synergy" for Excellent.

... is a form of preliminary investigation carried out by the investigator (inquirer) in a criminal case in which the preliminary investigation is not mandatory.

The inquiry is conducted:
• within 30 days from the date of initiation of the criminal case
• within 1.5 months from the date of initiation of the criminal case
• within 2 months from the date of initiation of the criminal case
• within 3 months from the date of initiation of the criminal case

If the location of the suspect or accused is known, but there is no real possibility of his participation in the criminal proceedings, the criminal case:
• is suspended
• is terminated
• is transferred to the investigative body at the location of the accused
• is suspended and transferred to the investigative body at the location of the accused

The forms of completion of the preliminary investigation include the preparation of:
• Indictment
• Resolution on sending the case to court for consideration of the issue of applying compulsory medical measures
• Resolution on termination of the criminal case
• Resolution on termination of the criminal case with sending the case materials to court for the application of administrative penalties
• Resolution on initiation of the criminal case
• Resolution on refusal to initiate the criminal case.

What document formalizes the initiation of a criminal case:
• decision
• determination
• resolution
• order

What is the time limit for familiarizing the accused and his defense attorney with the materials of the criminal case:
• the time limit is not defined by law
• 15 days
• 30 days
• 60 days

Who cannot act as witnesses
• neighbors
• random passers-by
• employees of executive authorities empowered to carry out operational-search activities or preliminary investigation
• minors

A person who, in the manner established by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, protects the rights and interests of suspects and accused persons is ...

An accused person held in custody is notified of the day of filing charges through ...
• defense attorney
• head of the investigative body
• administration of the place of detention
• prosecutor

A search and seizure of a home may be carried out on the basis of ... decision

Upon completion of the inquiry, the following is drawn up:
• indictment
• indictment
• indictment
• indictment ruling

After signing the protocol declaring the end of the preliminary investigation:
• investigative actions are not carried out
• only characterizing materials are collected
• investigative actions may be carried out
• a ruling may be issued to resume the investigation

After suspension of the preliminary investigation, investigative actions:
• Allowed
• Not allowed
• Allowed at the request of the victim
• allowed with the written permission of the prosecutor

Charges are brought against a minor in the presence of:
• prosecutor
• defense attorney
• legal representative
• head of the investigative body

Termination of criminal prosecution due to the non-involvement of the accused in the commission of a crime is… grounds.

Suspension of a criminal case in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation is possible:
• only at the stage of preliminary investigation
• at the stage of preliminary investigation and inquiry
• at the stage of inquiry, preliminary investigation and in court
• only at the stage of inquiry

How many indictments are left by the investigator in a criminal case:
• by the number of accused
• one
• by the number of episodes
• by the number of accused and victims

The set of features of a criminal case, in accordance with which the preliminary investigation falls under the jurisdiction of a certain preliminary investigation body is
• jurisdiction
• investigative juris
The means of prosecutorial response to lawful actions of the inquiry bodies are
• approval
• consent of the prosecutor
• reasoned decision of the prosecutor
• written instructions

Establish the correct sequence of initiating a criminal case:
Answer type: Sorting
• 1 report of a crime
• 2 registration of a report of a crime
• 3 issuance of a decision to initiate a criminal case

Establish the correct sequence of completing a preliminary investigation:
Answer type: Sorting
• 1 notification of the victim about the completion of the preliminary investigation
• 2 announcement to the accused (suspect) about the completion of the preliminary investigation
• 3 familiarization of the victim with the materials
• 4 familiarization of the accused with the materials of the criminal case

Establish the correct sequence of conducting a preliminary investigation
Answer type: Sorting
• 1 initiation of a criminal case
• 2 interrogation of the accused
• 3 familiarization with the materials of the criminal case
• 4 approval of the indictment

Establish the correspondence between the terms and their definitions:
Answer type: Matching
• A. Accused
• B. Suspect
• C. Victim
• D. Civil defendant
• E. Person against whom criminal prosecution is conducted from the moment the charge of committing a crime is officially formulated and executed in the form of a relevant document
• F. Participant in criminal proceedings who is at the initial stage of criminal prosecution against him
• G. Individual who has suffered physical, property, moral harm as a result of a crime, as well as a legal entity in the event of damage to its property and business reputation as a result of a crime
• H. Individual or legal entity that is liable for harm caused by a crime

Establish a correspondence between the participants in criminal prosecution and their definitions:
Answer type: Matching
• A. Investigator
• B. Inquiry bodies
• C. Prosecutor
• D. Official of the body inquiry, authorized to carry out a preliminary investigation in the form of an inquiry
• E. state bodies and officials authorized to carry out an inquiry and other procedural powers
• F. an official authorized to supervise on behalf of the state the procedural activities of inquiry and preliminary investigation bodies
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